Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon

Hi Web,

Directed by: Chris Weitz
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Launter.
My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars.
Unlike "The Time Travellers Wife" I have read the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer and you would have to be completely and utterly in love with the story of Edward and Bella to even find his film not cheesy. Whilst the 'Twi-Hards' are boosting its greatness, I found it extremely annoying and strange.Such as the 5 second pause that seem to happen every time Bella and Edward say something to each other. The most amusing thing about seeing this film wasn't even the movie, it was watching my male friend spend half the film with his head in his hands cringing. I would only recommend this film to the die-hard twilight fans and people who don't mind wasting there money to go watch a film were the biggest highlight is Taylor Launter shirtless.
Kirsten Stewart also stars (for lack of better word) in this film utilising her pout all through the film and I didn't find Robert Pattinsons to be that great either.

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