Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Box

Hi Web,

So after randomly surfing the web after days of being sick, I found an article critiquing Richard Kelly's (of 'Donnie Darko' fame)new film 'The box' as " one of the worst ever made". Maybe this is the case for some, but I personally didn't find it to be that bad. Whilst it is not action stations every minute and is by no means meant to be, it can be quite slow and boring at times. Whilst it is billed as suspense and thriller it fails a little to provide in those categorys, yet it turns out to be quite thought provoking. I very much liked the concept of the film, I think it is a clever film that has been a misunderstood by a public inundated with the straight forward mainstream films that grace our cinemas.
I think this film will mostly be enjoyed by the open-minded.
'The Box' stars Cameron Diaz, James Marsden and Frank Langella.
I found them to be all quite good though I'm still a bit unsure about Diaz's accent.

My Rating: 3/5
Staring: Cameron Diaz, James Marsden and Frank Langella.
Director: Richard Kelly


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